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Modular Admin - Free Bootstrap 4 HTML Dashboard

Modular Admin is a free and open-source dashboard theme with many unique features that is easy to update, spontaneous to control, modify and maintain. It is built on Bootstrap 4 which the main purpose is to speed up web development. It contains LESS, SASS and Post CSS files that comprise the app formation very easily customizable and semantic. Moreover, to write a small template with HTML you can use Handlebars and the admin panel has docker support. Specifications:
  • Easy Modifications
  • Bootstrap 4.x and HTML5
  • LESS, SASS, CSS and Post CSS files
  • Handlebar-Layout
  • ES5 Version
  • 5407 Active Items
  • Docker Support
  • Unique Features
  • Flot & Morris Chart Options
  • Smooth Maintenance

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Template Information

Released on: 26/07/2019

Last Updated on: 30/09/2022

Built with: Boootstrap 4.x

Version: 1.0

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