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Free Admin Template Bootstrap 4 - Purple

Among the most stylish bootstrap admin dashboard, Purple Admin is one of them which is a free reactive admin template, built with bootstrap 4. With naive, enchanting and superb design it\'s a full pack of your all needed components that are organized neatly. It\'s licensed by MIT and has eye-catching animations, excellent admin panel, clean and well-commented codes, creative features that will make your project gorgeous.

Key Features

  • Easily customizable
  • Bootstrap 4
  • E-commerce & Project Management System
  • CMS & CRM
  • Browser Supports
  • Eye-Catching Animation Designs
  • UI Components
  • Gulp Version
  • Well Crafted
  • Neat and Arranged Designs

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Template Information

Released on: 27/07/2019

Last Updated on: 30/09/2022

Built with: Boootstrap 4.x

Version: 1.0

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