Inspire - Free Bootstrap 4 Admin and Dashboard Template
Inspire is Bootstrap 4 Based Free and Premium Admin and Dashboard Template. It Comes with 40+ Dashboard Specific Pages and 300+ UI Elements. The Template Has 6 Variations So, You can Have Multiple Options to Select For Your Project.
Inspire is a Clean and Refreshing Designed Dashboard Template Packed With All Essential Widgets, Components and Elements Such as -
Core Components- (Accordions, Carousel, Dropdown, Modals, Notifications, Popover, Progress Bars, Tabs, Tooltips etc.)
Application UI- (Email, Calendar, Chat App, Contact etc.) Forms, Tables, Charts, Different Types of Maps, 3 Icon Font Packs and General Pages (Profile, Invoice, FAQ, Login, Sign Up, 404 etc.)
Inspire Dashboard Template is Very Well-optimized and Scalable, as it is Coded in Block-based Structure, Built-with Bootstrap 4.1.x, HTML5, and SASS. So, You Can Use it With Your Application Efficiently. If You Are Looking For an Ideal Dashboard Template for Your Application, Inspire is Perfect Choice For You!

40+ HTML Pages
Inspire packed with 40+ HTML pages which includes - 6 Different Dashboard UI, 4 Application UI, All Essential Widgets/Components/Elements and much more.Clean & Modern Design
Inspire is very well-designed by focusing on overall User Experience and Modern Design trends, It is fully responsive and clearly visible on all mobile devices.300+ UI Elements
Inspire comes with 300+ Essential UI Elements to meet all your Dashboard/Admin UI related needs, including - Widgets, Components, Application UI and much more.Built-with Bootstrap 4 and SASS
Inspire built-with latest version of Bootstrap 4 which ensures possibility, power, and stability of the Template also SASS style files are essential for extensive customization.\\6 Different Variations
Inspire comes with 6 Different Variations, so you can use perfect variation which suited to your project. As we will keep updating, more variations are coming soon!Highly Optimized
This Template highly-optimized and followed all best practices during design and development, from loading speed to UX/UI we have optimized it from possible perspective to make it robust.App UI and Extra Pages
It comes with 4 useful App User Interfaces (Email, Calendar, Chat App, and Contact) and Essential Pages (Profile, Invoice, FAQ, Login, Sign Up, 404 etc.) to provide complete satisfaction.Quick Support
Our support team is always happy to hear from you, feel free to submit support ticket or any feedback (if you have any) we will get back to you as soon as possible.Free Future Updates
We will keep updating \'Inspire\' to add new awesome stuff, to make it better and to keep it bug-free. We will always keep adding new features, pages, and elements to make it a top choice!Key Features
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Refreshing and Clean Design
- Built-with Bootstrap v4.1.1
- 6 Different Homepage Variations
- 40+ HTML Pages
- Block-based Structure Code
- 300+ UI Elements
- SASS Files Delivered
- Error Pages Included
- 1000+ Icons (3 Icon Packs)
- All Essential UI Components Included
- All Essential Pages Included
- Cross Browser Compatible
Included Pages:
- Dashboards
- Dashboard 1
- Dashboard 2
- Apps
- Calendar
- Chat App
- Contact
- UI Elements
- Alert
- Badge
- Buttons
- Cards
- Lists
- Typography
- Components
- Accordions
- Carousel
- Dropdown
- Modals
- Notifications
- Popover
- Progress Bars
- Tabs
- Tooltips
- Icons
- Line Icons
- Font Awesome
- Material Design
- Forms
- Form Elements
- Form Layouts
- Form Validation
- Tables
- Basic Tables
- Data Tables
- Charts
- Marris Charts
- ChartJS
- Flot Chart
- Maps
- Google Map
- Vector Map
- Pages
- Profile
- Invoice
- Login
- Signup
- Error 404
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